Why do Indian parents ruin marriage?

Exploring the Reasons Why Indian Parents Take a Heavy-Handed Approach to Marriage

Marriage is an incredibly important part of Indian culture. This means that Indian parents take a particularly heavy-handed approach when it comes to arranging marriages for their children. But why is this? Why do Indian parents take such a traditional, hands-on approach to marriage?

Family Ties

Family ties are incredibly important in Indian culture, and Indian parents are very likely to arrange marriages for their children that will strengthen these ties. This means that they are likely to arrange a marriage within their own family or within a family that is known and trusted by their own. This ensures that the couple will have strong connections to each other and to their families, which is seen as essential for a successful marriage.

Social Norms

Indian culture is steeped in traditions and norms that have been passed down through the generations. This means that Indian parents are likely to value these traditions and customs when arranging marriages for their children. This could include anything from astrological compatibility to caste and religion. Indian parents may also feel pressure from their peers and society to follow these traditional norms when arranging marriages for their children.

Cultural Expectations

Indian culture places a lot of emphasis on marriage, and this is reflected in the expectations placed on couples. Indian parents may be keen to ensure that their children marry someone who meets their expectations in terms of background, education, and social status. This could lead to them taking a more heavy-handed approach to arranging marriages for their children, as they want to ensure that their children are marrying someone who meets the cultural expectations.

Financial Security

Indian parents may take a heavy-handed approach to marriage because they want to ensure financial security for their children. This could include arranging a marriage with someone who is well-off or has a good job. This could be seen as a way of ensuring that their children will have a comfortable life and be able to support themselves financially after marriage.


Finally, Indian parents may take a heavy-handed approach to marriage because they want to protect their children. This could include protecting them from heartache, physical danger, or emotional distress. By arranging a marriage for their children, Indian parents may feel that they are able to provide them with the best possible protection.

In conclusion, Indian parents take a heavy-handed approach to marriage for a variety of reasons. These can include family ties, social norms, cultural expectations, financial security, and protection. By understanding these reasons, it is possible to better understand why Indian parents take such a traditional, hands-on approach to arranging marriages for their children.

Understanding the Impact of Traditional Indian Parental Pressure on Marriages

Marriage is an important cornerstone of Indian culture and is considered a sacred union between two individuals. However, in recent years, traditional Indian parental pressure has had an increasingly negative impact on marriages. While Indian parents may have the best intentions, their expectations can often be unrealistic, leading to unrealistic expectations on their children and married couples.

When it comes to marriage, Indian parents are highly selective and have clear expectations of their children’s partners. This can often lead to arranged marriages where couples are matched based on the expectations of the parents rather than their own desires. This can often lead to couples not being compatible and having difficulty in their marriage.

Indian parents also tend to be extremely protective of their children, and this can lead to interference in their married life. Parents may be overly involved in their children’s lives and create unrealistic expectations for them. This can lead to a lack of privacy, a lack of independence, and a lack of freedom for couples, creating a sense of suffocation.

Traditional Indian parents also have high expectations for their children and their married life. They often expect their children to perform to a certain standard, and this can lead to feelings of pressure and guilt. This can lead to couples feeling overwhelmed and unable to live up to the expectations of their parents, leading to stress and conflicts in the marriage.

Finally, Indian parents often view marriage as a way to gain social status. They may pressure their children to marry someone of a certain caste or class to gain social standing. This can lead to couples marrying for the wrong reasons, leading to an unhappy marriage and a lack of fulfilment.

In conclusion, traditional Indian parental pressure has had a negative impact on marriage. While Indian parents may have the best intentions, their expectations can often be unrealistic and interfere with the happiness and fulfilment of married couples. It is important for couples to understand the impact of traditional Indian parental pressure on their marriage and to be aware of their expectations.